Analog Devices
The ADMC(F)341 is a low cost, single-chip, DSP-based controller suitable for permanent magnet synchronous motors, ac induction motors, and brushless dc motors. The ADMC(F)341 integrates a 20 MHz, fixed-point DSP core with a complete set of motor control and system peripherals that permits fast, efficient development of motor controllers.
20 MHz Fixed-Point DSP Core
Single-Cycle Instruction Execution (50 ns)
ADSP-21xx Family Code Compatibility
Independent Computational Units
ALU, Multiplier/Accumulator, Barrel Shifter
Multifunction Instructions
Single-Cycle Context Switch
Powerful Program Sequencer
Zero Overhead Looping
Conditional Instruction Execution
2 Independent Data Address Generators
Memory Configuration
512 x 16-Bit Data Memory RAM
512 x 24-Bit Program Memory RAM
4K x 24-Bit Program Memory ROM
4K x 24-Bit Program Flash Memory (ADMCF341 Only)
3 Independent Flash Memory Sectors
3584 x 24-Bit, 256 x 24-Bit, 256 x 24-Bit
Low Cost, Pin Compatible ROM Option
16-Bit Watchdog Timer
Programmable 16-Bit Internal Timer with Prescaler
2 Double-Buffered Serial Ports with SPI Mode Support
Integrated Power-On Reset Function
3-Phase 16-Bit PWM Generation Unit:
16-Bit Center-Based PWM Generator
Programmable PWM Pulsewidth
Edge Resolution to 50 ns
153 Hz Minimum Switching Frequency
Double/Single Duty Cycle Update Mode Control
Individual Enable and Disable for Each PWM Output
High Frequency Chopping Mode for Transformer
Coupled Gate Drives
External PWMTRIP Pin
Integrated 6-Channel ADC Subsystem
3 Bipolar ISENSE Inputs with Programmable
Sample-and-Hold Amplifier and Overcurrent
Protection (Usable as 3 Dedicated Analog Inputs)
Muxed Auxiliary Analog Inputs
Internal Voltage Reference (2.5 V)
Acquisition Synchronized to PWM Switching
9-Pin Digital I/O Port
Bit Configurable as Input or Output
Change of State Interrupt Support
2 16-Bit Auxiliary PWM Timers
Synthesized Analog Output
Programmable Frequency
0% to 100% Duty Cycle
2 Programmable Operational Modes
Independent Mode/Offset Mode
Motor Types
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM)
Brushless DC Motors (BDCM)
AC Induction Motors (ACIM)
Refrigerator and Air Conditioner Compressors
Washing Machines
Industrial Variable Speed Drives