The ADIS16486 is a complete inertial system that includes a triaxis gyroscope and a triaxis accelerometer. Each inertial sensor in the ADIS16486 combines industry leading iMEMS® technology with signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance. The factory calibration characterizes each sensor for sensitivity, bias, alignment, and linear acceleration (gyroscope bias). Therefore, each sensor has dynamic compensation formulas that provide accurate sensor measurements.
Triaxial digital gyroscope, ±450°/sec dynamic range
±0.018° axis to axis misalignment error (typical)
5.3°/hr in-run bias stability (typical)
0.25°/√hr angular random walk (typical)
0.01% FS nonlinearity
Triaxial digital accelerometer, ±18 g dynamic range
Triaxial, delta angle, and delta velocity outputs
Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
SPI compatible
Programmable operation and control
Automatic and manual bias correction controls
4 FIR filter banks, 120 configurable taps
Digital input and output: data ready alarm indicator,
external clock
Alarms for condition monitoring
Power-down and sleep mode for power management
Optional external sync input clock: 2.4 kHz (maximum)
Continuous self test of inertial sensors
On demand self test of inertial sensors
Continuous CRC-based memory testing
Single VDD power supply operation: 3.0 V to 3.6 V
2000 g mechanical shock survivability
Operating temperature range: −40°C to +105°C
Attitude and heading reference systems
Platform stabilization and control
Unmanned vehicle navigation
Robotics and instrumentation