Analog Devices
The ADG436 is a monolithic CMOS device comprising two independently selectable SPDT switches. It is designed on an LC2MOS process which provides low power dissipation yet gives high switching speed and low on resistance.
The on resistance profile is very flat over the full analog input range ensuring good linearity and low distortion when switching audio signals. High switching speed also makes the part suitable for video signal switching. CMOS construction ensures ultralow power dissipation making the part ideally suited for portable and battery powered instruments.
44 V Supply Maximum Ratings
VSS to VDD Analog Signal Range
Low On Resistance (12 Ω Typ)
Low DRON (3 Ω Max)
Low RON Match (2.5 Ω Max)
Low Power Dissipation
Fast Switching Times
tON < 175 ns
tOFF < 145 ns
Low Leakage Currents (5 nA Max)
Low Charge Injection (10 pC)
Break-Before-Make Switching Action
Audio and Video Switching
Battery Powered Systems
Test Equipment
Communications Systems