Analog Devices
The AD813 is a low power, single supply triple video amplifier. Each of the three current feedback amplifiers has 50 mA of output current, and is optimized for driving one back-terminated video load (150 Ω). The AD813 features gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 50 MHz while offering differential gain and phase error of 0.03% and 0.06°. This makes the AD813 ideal for broadcast and consumer video electronics.
Low Cost
Three Video Amplifiers in One Package
Optimized for Driving Cables in Video Systems
Excellent Video Specifications (RL = 150 V)
Gain Flatness 0.1 dB to 50 MHz
0.03% Differential Gain Error
0.068 Differential Phase Error
Low Power
Operates on Single +3 V to 615 V Power Supplies
5.5 mA/Amplifier Max Power Supply Current
High Speed
125 MHz Unity Gain Bandwidth (–3 dB)
500 V/ms Slew Rate
High Speed Disable Function per Channel
Turn-Off Time 80 ns
Easy to Use
50 mA Output Current
Output Swing to 1 V of Rails
Video Line Driver
LCD Drivers
Computer Video Plug-In Boards
RGB Amplifier
CCD Based Systems