Analog Devices
The AD28msp02 Voiceband Signal Port is a complete analog front end for high performance voiceband DSP applications. Compared to traditional µ-law and A-law codecs, the AD28msp02’s linear-coded ADC and DAC maintain wide dynamic range while maintaining superior SNR and THD. A sampling rate of 8.0 kHz coupled with 65 dB SNR + THD performance make the AD28msp02 attractive in many telecom and speech processing applications, for example digital cellular radio and high quality telephones. The AD28msp02 simplifies overall system design by requiring only a single +5 V power supply.
Complete Analog I/O Port for Voiceband DSP Applications
Linear-Coded 16-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC
Linear-Coded 16-Bit Sigma-Delta DAC
On-Chip Anti-Aliasing and Anti-lmaging Filters
On-Chip Voltage Reference
8 kHz Sampling Frequency
Twos Complement Coding
65 dB SNR + THD
Programmable Gain on DAC and ADC
Serial Interface To DSP Processors
24-Pin DlP/28-Lead SOIC
Single 5 V Power Supply