Analog Devices
The AD1879 is a two-channel, 18-bit oversampling ADC based on ∑∆ technology and intended primarily for digital audio applications. The AD1878 is identical to the 18-bit AD1879 except that it outputs 16-bit data words. Statements in this data sheet should be read as applying to both parts unless otherwise noted.
Fully Differential Dual Channel Analog Inputs
103 dB Signal-to-Noise (AD1879 typ)
–98 dB THD+N (AD1879 typ)
0.001 dB Passband Ripple and 115 dB Stopband Attenuation
Fifth-Order, 64 Times Oversampling ΣΔ Modulator
Single Stage, Linear Phase Decimator
256 x FS Input Clock
Digital Tape Recorders Professional, DCC, and DAT
A/V Digital Amplifiers
Sound Reinforcement