Analog Devices
The AD1864 is a complete dual 18-bit DAC offering excellent THD+N, while requiring no external components. Two complete signal channels are included. This results in cophased voltage or current output signals and eliminates the need for output demultiplexing circuitry. The monolithic AD1864 chip includes CMOS logic elements, bipolar and MOS linear elements and laser-trimmed thin-film resistor elements, all fabricated on Analog Devices BiMOS II process.
Dual Serial Input, Voltage Output DACs
No External Components Required
Operates at 8 x Oversampling per Channel
±5 V to ±12 V Operation
Cophased Outputs
115 dB Channel Separation
±0.3% Interchannel Gain Matching
0.0017% THD+N
Multichannel Audio Applications:
Compact Disc Players
Multivoice Keyboard Instruments
DAT Players and Recorders
Digital Mixing Consoles
Multimedia Workstations