Analog Devices
The AD1815 SoundComm™ Controller is a single chip Plug and Play audio subsystem for adding 16-bit stereo audio and communications support to personal computers. The AD1815 is compatible with applications written for SoundBlaster Pro and AdLib/OPL3. The AD1815 provides an integrated audio solution for Windows 95, Windows 3.1, DirectSound‡ and multimedia applications. The AD1815 supports telephony and advanced audio applications by providing a V.34 compatible modem analog front end and a serial port linking a companion media pump or DSP to the subsystem.
Supports Applications Written for SoundBlaster* Pro, AdLib/OPL3† Win 3.1, Win 95
Stereo Audio 16-Bit SD Codec
MPC Level-2/3 Mixer
ISA Plug and Play Compatible
Dual Type F FIFO DMA Support
MPU-401 Compatible MIDI Port
Integrated V.34, Modem Analog Front End
Integrated Enhanced Digital Game Port
Supports Wavetable Synthesizers
Two I2S Digital Audio Serial Port Inputs
Software & Hardware Volume Control
Integrated FM Compatible Music Synthesizer
Full-Duplex Capture and Playback Operation at Different Sample Rates
Supports Up to Six Different Sample Rates Simultaneously
Supports Voice Over Data
1 Hz Resolution Programmable Sample Rates from 4 kHz to 55.2 kHz
Bidirectional DSP Serial Port
Power Management Modes
Operation from +5 V Supply
Built-In 24 mA Bus Drivers
100-Pin PQFP Package