8420PS データシート - Holt Integrated Circuits

Holt Integrated Circuits
The HI-8420 is a six channel discrete-to-digital interface device. The HI-8423 has eight channels. Mixed-signal CMOS technology is used to provide superior low-power performance. The device inputs are configured to sense Ground / Open discrete signals. The device outputs are CMOS / TTL compatible and may be disabled (tri-state) using the and pins.
The HI-8420 is a drop-in replacement for the DEI1026.
For added functionality, the Holt HI-8422 offers eight channels of Open / Ground sensing and eight channels of 28V / Ground sensing in a single device.
6 or 8 independent Open / Ground sensing channels
5.0V single supply operation
Low power CMOS technology
Industrial and Extended temperature ranges
HI-8420 is a drop in replacement for DEI1026
6-Channel / 8-Channel Discrete-to-Digital Interface Sensing 28V / Open Signals
Holt Integrated Circuits
6-Channel / 8-Channel Discrete-to-Digital Interface Sensing 28V / Open Signals
Holt Integrated Circuits
16-Channel Discrete-to-Digital Interface Sensing 28 Volt / Open and Open / Ground Signals
Holt Integrated Circuits
Six-Channel Discrete-to-Digital Interface Sensing 28 Volt / Open Signals ( Rev : 2001 )
Holt Integrated Circuits
8-Channel, Ground /Open, or Supply / Open Sensor 4-channel 200 mA Ground / Open Driver ( Rev : 2013 )
Holt Integrated Circuits
8-Channel, Ground /Open, or Supply / Open Sensor 4-channel 200 mA Ground / Open Driver
Holt Integrated Circuits
32-Channel Ground/Open or Supply/Open Sensor with SPI Interface
Holt Integrated Circuits
8-Channel, Ground /Open, or Supply / Open Sensor 4-channel 200 mA Supply / Open Driver ( Rev : 2013 )
Holt Integrated Circuits
8-Channel, Ground /Open, or Supply / Open Sensor 4-channel 200 mA Supply / Open Driver
Holt Integrated Circuits
32-Channel Ground/Open or Supply/Open Low Threshold Sensor with SPI Interface
Holt Integrated Circuits