Philips Electronics
The 74HC4049 is a high-speed Si-gate CMOS device and is pin compatible with the “4049” of the “4000B” series. It is specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. 7A.
The 74HC4049 provides six inverting buffers with a modified input protection structure, which has no diode connected to VCC. Input voltages of up to 15 V may therefore be used.
This feature enables the inverting buffers to be used as logic level translators, which will convert high level logic to low level logic, while operating from a low voltage power supply. For example 15 V logic (“4000B series”) can be converted down to 2 V logic.
The actual input switch level remains related to the VCC and is the same as mentioned in the family characteristics. At the same time each part can be used as a simple inverter without level translation.
• Output capability: standard
• ICC category: SSI
• Converting 15 V logic (“4000B” series) down to 2 V logic.