Aeroflex Corporation
The UT69RH051 is a radiation-tolerant 8-bit microcontroller that is pin equivalent to the MCS-51 industry standard microcontroller when in a 40-pin DIP. The UT69RH051’s static design allows operation from 1Hz to 20MHz. This data sheet describes hardware and software interfaces to the UT69RH051.
❐ Three 16-bit timer/counters
- High speed output
- Compare/capture
- Pulse width modulator
- Watchdog timer capabilities
❐ 256 bytes of on-chip data RAM
❐ 32 programmable I/O lines
❐ 7 interrupt sources
❐ Programmable serial channel with:
- Framing error detection
- Automatic address recognition
❐ TTL and CMOS compatible logic levels
❐ 64K external data and program memory space
❐ MCS-51 fully compatible instruction set
❐ Flexible clock operation
- 1Hz to 20MHz with external clock
- 2MHz to 20MHz using internal oscillator with external crystal
❐ Radiation-hardened process and design; total dose irradiation testing MIL-STD-883 Method 1019
- Total dose: 1.0E6 rads(Si)
- Latchup immune
❐ Packaging options:
- 40-pin 100-mil center DIP (0.600 x 2.00)
- 44-lead 25-mil center Flatpack (0.670 x 0.800)
❐ Standard Microcircuit Drawing 5962-95638 available
- QML Q & V compliant