Motorola => Freescale
LIN Enhanced Physical Interface
Local Interconnect Network (LIN) is a serial communication protocol designed to support automotive networks in conjunction with Controller Area Network (CAN). As the lowest level of a hierarchical network, LIN enables cost-effective communication with sensors and actuators when all the features of CAN are not required.
• Operational from VSUP 6.0 V to 18 V DC, Functional up to 27 V DC, and Handles 40 V During Load Dump
• Active Bus Waveshaping Offering Excellent Radiated Emission Performance
• 5.0 kV ESD on LIN Bus Terminal
• 30 kΩ Internal Pullup Resistor
• LIN Bus Short-to-Ground or High Leakage in Sleep Mode
• -18 V to +40 V DC Voltage at LIN Terminal
• 8.0 µA Standby Current in Sleep Mode
• Local and Remote Wake-Up Capability Reported by INH and RXD Terminals
• 5.0 V and 3.3 V Compatible Digital Inputs Without Any External Components Required