
LTC1694-1 データシートの表示(PDF) - Linear Technology

Linear Technology 
LTC1694-1 Datasheet PDF : 8 Pages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SMBus Rise Time
Rise time of an SMBus line is derived using equations 3,
4 and 5.
tr = t1 + t2
t1 = – RP • CBUS • ln[(VTHRES – VCC)/
(VILMAX – 0.15 – VCC)]
if (VILMAX – 0.15) > VTHRES, then t1 = 0µs.
t2 = – RP • CBUS • ln{[VIHMIN + 0.15 – VCC
(RP • IPULL-UP)]/[VTHRES – VCC – (RP • IPULL-UP)]} (5)
By ignoring the current through RP, a simplified version
of equation 3 is obtained:
t2 = (VIHMIN + 0.15 – VTHRES) • CBUS/IPULL-UP (6)
For an SMBus system, VILMAX = 0.8V and VIHMIN = 2.1V.
For the LTC1694-1, typically VTHRES = 0.65V and IPULL-UP
= 2.2mA.
CBUS is the total capacitance of the SMBus line.
Increasing the value of RP increases the rise time.
SMBus Fall Time
Fall time of an SMBus line is derived using equation 7:
tf = RT • CBUS • ln{[0.9 • (RP + RL) – RL]/
[(VILMAX – 0.15) • (RP + RL)/VCC – RL]}
where RT is the parallel equivalent of RP and RL.
The rise and fall time calculation for an I2C system is as
I2C Bus Rise and Fall Time
Rise time of an I2C line is derived using equation 8.
tr = – RP • CBUS • ln{[VIHMIN – VCC – (RP • IPULL-UP)]/
Fall time of an I2C line is derived using equation 9:
tf = RT • CBUS • ln{[(VIHMIN/VCC) • (RP + RL) – RL]/
[(VILMAX/VCC) • (RP + RL) – RL]}
For an I2C system with fixed input levels, VILMAX = 1.5V
and VIHMIN = 3V.
For an I2C system with VCC related input levels, VILMAX =
0.3VCC and VIHMIN = 0.7VCC.
CBUS is the total capacitance of the I2C line.
A general procedure for selecting RP and RL is as follows:
1. RL is first selected based on the I/O protection require-
ment. Generally, an RS of 100is sufficient for high
voltage spike and ESD protection. RON is determined by
the size of the open-drain driver, a large driver will have
a lower RON.
2. Next, the value of RP is determined based on the rise and
fall time requirements using equations 3 to 7 (for an
SMBus system) or 8 and 9 (for an I2C system). The
value chosen for RP must ensure that both the rise and
fall time specifications are met simultaneously.
3. After RP and RL are selected, use equations 1 and 2 to
check if the VOL and SR requirements are fulfilled.
If SR is too low, decrease the value of RP. If VOL is too high,
increase the value of RP.
SMBus Design Example
Given the following conditions and requirements:
VCC = 3.3V nom
VOL = 0.4V max
CBUS = 200pF max
VILMAX = 0.8V, VIHMIN = 2.1V
tr = 0.8µs max, tf = 0.3µs max
If an RS of 500is used and the max RON of the driver
is 200, then RL = 500 + 200 = 700. Using the max
VTHRES of 0.9V and a min IPULL-UP of 1mA.
Using equation 6 to calculate the approximate value of t2:
t2 = (2.1 + 0.15 – 0.9) • [(200 • 10–12)/(1 • 10–3)]
= 0.27µs
t1 = 0.8 – 0.27 = 0.53µs
Using equation 4 to find the required RP to meet tr:
RP = – t1/{CBUS • ln[(VTHRES – VCC)/
(VILMAX – 0.15 – VCC)]} = 27k
RT = (RP • RL)/(RP + RL)

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