2 pF Off Capacitance, 1 pC Charge Injection,
±15 V/12 V 4:1 iCMOS™ Multiplexer
Preliminary Technical Data
2 pF off capacitance
1 pC charge injection
33 V supply range
120 Ω on resistance
Fully specified at +12 V, ±15 V
No VL supply required
3 V logic-compatible inputs
Rail-to-rail operation
14-lead TSSOP and 12-lead LFCSP
Typical power consumption: <0.03 µW
Automatic test equipment
Data aquisition systems
Battery-powered systems
Sample-and-hold systems
Audio signal routing
Communication systems
1 OF 4
A0 A1 EN
Figure 1.
The ADG1204 is a CMOS analog multiplexer, comprising four
single channels designed on an iCMOS process. iCMOS
(industrial-CMOS) is a modular manufacturing process that
combines high voltage CMOS (complementary metal-oxide
semiconductor) and bipolar technologies. It enables the
development of a wide range of high performance analog ICs
capable of 30-V operation in a footprint that no other genera-
tion of high voltage parts has been able to achieve. Unlike
analog ICs using conventional CMOS processes, iCMOS
components can tolerate high supply voltages, while providing
increased performance, dramatically lower power consumption,
and reduced package size.
The ultralow capacitance and charge injection of these switches
make them ideal solutions for data acquisition and sample-and-
hold applications, where low glitch and fast settling are required.
Fast switching speed coupled with high signal bandwidth make
the parts suitable for video signal switching. iCMOS construc-
tion ensures ultralow power dissipation, making the parts
ideally suited for portable and battery powered instruments.
The ADG1204 switches one of four inputs to a common output,
D, as determined by the 3-bit binary address lines, A0, A1, and
EN. Logic 0 on the EN pin disables the device. Each switch
conducts equally well in both directions when on, and has an
input signal range that extends to the supplies. In the off condi-
tion, signal levels up to the supplies are blocked. All switches
exhibit break-before-make switching action. Inherent in the
design is low charge injection for minimum transients when
switching the digital inputs.
1. 2 pF off capacitance (±15 V supply).
2. 1 pC charge injection.
3. 3 V logic-compatible digital inputs:
VIH = 2.0 V, VIL = 0.8 V
4. No VL logic power supply required.
5. Ultralow power dissipation: <0.03 µW.
6. 14-lead TSSOP and 12-lead 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP package.
Rev. PrD
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