Applications Information
Product Description
The EL5128 voltage feedback amplifier/buffer combination is
fabricated using a high voltage CMOS process. It exhibits
rail-to-rail input and output capability, it is unity gain stable,
and has low power consumption (500µA per amplifier).
These features make the EL5128 ideal for a wide range of
general-purpose applications. Connected in voltage follower
mode and driving a load of 10k and 12pF, the EL5128 has
a -3dB bandwidth of 12MHz while maintaining a 10V/µs slew
Operating Voltage, Input, and Output
The EL5128 is specified with a single nominal supply voltage
from 5V to 15V or a split supply with its total range from 5V
to 15V. Correct operation is guaranteed for a supply range of
4.5V to 16.5V. Most EL5128 specifications are stable over
both the full supply range and operating temperatures of
-40°C to +85°C. Parameter variations with operating voltage
and/or temperature are shown in the typical performance
The input common-mode voltage range of the amplifiers
extends 500mV beyond the supply rails. The output swings
of the EL5128 typically extend to within 80mV of positive and
negative supply rails with load currents of 5mA. Decreasing
load currents will extend the output voltage range even
closer to the supply rails. Figure 25 shows the input and
output waveforms for the device in the unity-gain
configuration. Operation is from ±5V supply with a 10k load
connected to GND. The input is a 10VP-P sinusoid. The
output voltage is approximately 9.985VP-P.
VS=±5V AV=1
TA=25°C VIN=10VP-P
Output Phase Reversal
The EL5128 is immune to phase reversal as long as the
input voltage is limited from (VS-) -0.5V to (VS+) +0.5V.
Figure 26 shows a photo of the output of the device with the
input voltage driven beyond the supply rails. Although the
device's output will not change phase, the input's over-
voltage should be avoided. If an input voltage exceeds
supply voltage by more than 0.6V, electrostatic protection
diodes placed in the input stage of the device begin to
conduct and over-voltage damage could occur.
Short Circuit Current Limit
The EL5128 will limit the short circuit current to ±120mA if
the output is directly shorted to the positive or the negative
supply. If an output is shorted indefinitely, the power
dissipation could easily increase such that the device may
be damaged. Maximum reliability is maintained if the output
continuous current never exceeds ±30mA. This limit is set by
the design of the internal metal interconnects.
Driving Capacitive Loads
The EL5128 can drive a wide range of capacitive loads. As
load capacitance increases, however, the -3dB bandwidth of
the device will decrease and the peaking increase. The
amplifiers drive 10pF loads in parallel with 10k with just
1.5dB of peaking, and 100pF with 6.4dB of peaking. If less
peaking is desired in these applications, a small series
resistor (usually between 5 and 50) can be placed in
series with the output. However, this will obviously reduce
the gain slightly. Another method of reducing peaking is to
add a “snubber” circuit at the output. A snubber is a shunt
load consisting of a resistor in series with a capacitor. Values
of 150 and 10nF are typical. The advantage of a snubber is
that it does not draw any DC load current or reduce the gain.
Power Dissipation
With the high-output drive capability of the EL5128 amplifier,
it is possible to exceed the 125°C “absolute-maximum
junction temperature” under certain load current conditions.
Therefore, it is important to calculate the maximum junction
temperature for the application to determine if load
conditions need to be modified for the amplifier to remain in
the safe operating area.
The maximum power dissipation allowed in a package is
determined according to:
FN7000 Rev 3.00
May 4, 2007
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