Real-Time Clocks
Pin Description (continued)
Active-Low RAM Clear Input. This pin is used to clear (set to logic 1) all the 114 bytes of
general-purpose RAM but does not affect the RAM associated with the real time clock or
extended RAM. RCLR may be invoked while the part is powered from any supply. The RCLR
function is designed to be used via a human interface (shorting to ground manually or by a
switch) and not to be driven with external buffers. This pin is internally pulled up. Do not use an
external pullup resistor on this pin.
Auxiliary Battery Input. Required for kickstart and wake-up functions. This input also supports
clock/calendar and user RAM if VBAT is at lower voltage or is not used. A standard +3V lithium
cell or other energy source can be used. Diodes placed in series between VBAUX and the
battery may prevent proper operation. UL recognized to ensure against reverse charging
current when used with a lithium battery (www.maximintegrated.com/qa/info/ul/). For 3V
VCC operation, VBAUX must be held between +2.5V and +3.7V. For 5V VCC operation, VBAUX
must be held between +2.5V and +5.2V. If VBAUX is not used it should be grounded and the
auxiliary-battery-enable bit bank 1, register 4BH, should = 0.
6, 7
2, 3,
16, 20
11, 18
Square-Wave Output. When VCC rises above VPF, bits DV1 and E32k are set to 1. This
condition enables a 32kHz square-wave output. A square wave is output if either SQWE = 1
or E32k = 1. If E32k = 1, then 32kHz is output regardless of the other control bits. If E32k =
0, then the output frequency is dependent on the control bits in Register A. The SQW pin can
output a signal from one of 13 taps provided by the 15 internal divider stages of the RTC. The
frequency of the SQW pin can be changed by programming Register A, as shown in Table 3.
The SQW signal can be turned on and off using the SQWE bit in Register B or the E32k bit
in extended register 4Bh. A 32kHz square wave is also available when VCC is less than VPF
if E32k = 1, ABE = 1, and voltage is applied to the VBAUX pin. When disabled, SQW is high
impedance when VCC is below VPF.
DC Power Pin for Primary Power Supply. When VCC is applied within normal limits, the device
is fully accessible and data can be written and read. When VCC is below VPF reads and writes
are inhibited.
N.C. No Connection
Maxim Integrated │ 9