Electronic Volume IC
for Car Audio System
The LV3329PE is an electronic volume and tone IC that implements a rich
set of audio control functions with a minimal number of external
components. Functions include input selection switching, an input gain,
volume, loudness, balance, fader, bass/mid/treble control, and fixed
It is possible to eliminate from the external components of equalizer control
block by SCF technology.
Zero-cross switching circuits, soft steps (bass block and mid block) and
soft mute circuits used for low noise even when input signals are present.
Low power consumption due to the use of BiMOS process.
All controls performed using serial data input (CCB*).
Input selector :
Four of the input systems are single-end inputs, one uses differential
Input gain control :
The input gain can be amplified by 0 to +19 dB (0 to 5 dB / 1.25 dB steps,
5 to 11 dB / 1.5 dB steps, 11 to 19 dB / 2 dB steps)
Loudness control :
Taps are output starting at the 32 dB position of the ladder resistor and a
loudness function implemented with external capacitor and resistor
Volume control : 0 dB to 79 dB / (1 dB steps)
L/R independent control.
Bass control:
The bass control gain can be maximum boost +15 dB position and
maximum cut 15 dB position.
(0 dB / ±1.25 dB / ±2.75 dB / ±4.75 dB / ±7 dB / ±9.5 dB / ±12.25 dB /
±15 dB) SCF.
The bass control center frequency 60 Hz / 80 Hz / 100 Hz / 200 Hz can be
The bass control quality factor 1.0/1.25/1.5/2.0 can be selected.
Continued on next page.
* Computer Control Bus (CCB) is an ON Semiconductor’s original bus format and
the bus addresses are controlled by ON Semiconductor.
See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 31 of this data sheet.
© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2013
December 2013 - Rev. 0
PQFP44 10x10 / QIP44M
Publication Order Number :