Direct Drive Voice/Dual Tone Melody Controller
SNC312 is a 1-channel voice synthesizer and dual-tone melody IC with PWM direct
drive circuit. It built-in a 4-bit tiny controller with one 4-bit input port and two 4-bit I/O
ports. By programming through the tiny controller in SNC312, user’s varied
applications including voice section combination, dual-tone melody, key trigger
arrangement, output control, and other logic functions can be easily implemented.
Single power supply 2.4V – 5.5V
7 seconds voice capacity are provided (@6KHZ sample rate)
Built in a 4-bit tiny controller
One 4-bit input port and two 4-bit I/O ports are provided
128*4 bits RAM are provided
24K*10 ROM size are provided for voice data and program
Maximum 16k program ROM is provided
Readable ROM code data
IR carrier signal is provided
Built in a high quality speech synthesizer
Adaptive playing speed from 2.5k-20kHz is provided
One voice channel plus Dual-Tone Melody
Built in a PWM Direct Drive circuit and a fixed current D/A output
System clock : 2MHz
Low Power Reset
Ver: 1.4
June 8, 2005