Octal D Type Flip Flops With 3 State Outputs
ADE-205-041 (Z)
1st. Edition
Feb. 1994
The HD74BC564A provides high drivability and operation equal to or better than high speed bipolar
standard logic IC by using Bi-CMOS process. The device features low power dissipation that is about 1/5
of high speed bipolar logic IC, when the frequency is 10 MHZ. The device has eight edge triger D type flip
flops with three state outputs in a 20 pin package. Data at the D inputs meeting set up requirements, are
transferred to the Q outputs on positive going transitions of the clock input. When the latch enable goes
low, data at the D inputs will be retained at the outputs until latch enable returns high again. When a high
logic level is applied to the output control input, all outputs go to a high impedance state, regardless of what
signals are present at the other inputs and the state of the storage elements.
• Input/Output are at high impedance state when power supply is off.
• Built in input pull up circuit can make input pins be open, when not used.
• TTL level input
• Wide operating temperature range
Ta = –40 to + 85°C