Operation Description
The FAN5350 is a step-dow n sw itching voltage regulator
that delivers a f ixed 1.82V f rom an input voltage supply of
2.7V to 5.5V. Using a proprietary architecture w ith
synchronous rectification, the FAN5350 is capable of
delivering 600mA at over 90% efficiency, w hile
maintaining a light load efficiency of over 80% at load
currents as low as 1mA. The regulator operates at a
nominal frequency of 3MHz at full load, w hich reduces the
value of the external components to 1µH for the output
inductor and 4.7µF for the output capacitor.
Control Scheme
The FAN5350 uses a proprietary non-linear, fixed-
frequency PWM modulator to deliver a fast load transient
response, w hile maintaining a constant sw itching
frequency over a w ide range of operating conditions. The
regulator performance is independent of the output
capacitor ESR, allow ing for the use of ceramic output
capacitors. Although this type of operation normally
results in a sw itching frequency that varies w ith input
voltage and load current, an internal frequency loop holds
the sw itching frequency constant over a large range of
input voltages and load currents.
For very light loads, the FAN5350 operates in
discontinuous current (DCM) single-pulse PFM mode,
w hich produces low output ripple compared w ith other
PFM architectures. Transition betw een PWM and PFM is
seamless, w ith a glitch of less than 14mV at VOUT during
the transition betw een DCM and CCM modes.
Combined w ith exceptional transient response
characteristics, the very low quiescent current of the
controller (<16µA) maintains high efficiency, even at very
light loads, w hile preserving fast transient response for
applications requiring very tight output regulation.
Enable and Soft Start
Maintaining the EN pin LOW keeps the FAN5350 in non-
sw itching mode in w hich all circuits are off and the part
draw s ~50nA of current. Increasing EN above its
threshold voltage activates the part and starts the soft-
start cycle. During soft start, the current limit is increased
in discrete steps so that the inductor current is increased
in a controlled manner. This minimizes any large surge
currents on the input and prevents any overshoot of the
output voltage.
Under-Voltage Lockout
When EN is high, the under-voltage lock-out keeps the
part f rom operating until the input supply voltage rises high
enough to properly operate. This ensures no misbehavior
of the regulator during start-up or shutdow n.
Current Limiting
A heavy load or short circuit on the output causes the
current in the inductor to increase until a maximum current
threshold is reached in the high-side sw itch. Upon
reaching this point, the high-side sw itch turns off,
preventing high currents f rom causing damage.
The peak current limit show n in Figure 16, ILIM(PK) is slightly
higher than the open-loop tested current limit, ILIM(OL), in the
Electrical Characteristics table. This is primarily due to the
effect of propagation delays of the IC current limit
Thermal Shutdown
When the die temperature increases, due to a high load
condition and/or a high ambient temperature, the output
sw itching is disabled until the temperature on the die has
fallen sufficiently. The junction temperature at w hich the
thermal shutdow n activates is nominally 150°C w ith a
20°C hysteresis.