16-bit Embedded Control Solutions
The top challenges facing today’s embedded system designer are attaining product specification and performance goals,
achieving on-time market launch and meeting cost targets. Microchip’s 16-bit Microcontroller & Digital Signal Controller
families deliver the performance, peripherals, software and hardware development tools to meet these objectives.
Broad Portfolio
■ 16–70 MIPS, DSP options
■ 4–512 KB Flash
■ 256B–96 KB RAM
■ 14–144 Pins
Efficient Energy
■ Longer battery life in portable applications
■ High efficiency motor control
■ Platinum-rated digital power supplies
Easy Migration
■ Unified development environment
■ Industry-leading code efficiency
■ Lower total system cost
■ Faster time-to-market
High Performance Peripherals
■ Fast and flexible PWMs
■ Integrated ADCs, Op Amps, DACs, LCD
■ Connectivity with USB, CAN, LIN
Free Software & Reference Designs
■ Shorten design cycle & reduce risk
■ USB, TCP/IP, graphics and wireless stacks
■ Motor control example software
■ DSP math function library (FFT, IIR, etc.)
■ Reference designs for digital power &
lighting applications
Resources available at www.microchip.com/16bit
■ Product Information
■ Application Solutions
■ Design Tools
■ Web Seminars
■ Application Notes & Reference Designs
Powerful 16-bit CPU
■ CoreMark™/MHz 1.88
(EEMBC Certified)
■ Single cycle execution
■ Deterministic interrupt response
■ Single cycle bit manipulation
■ Single-cycle multiply
■ Zero overhead looping
■ Fast DMA: no cycle stealing
Flexible Flash
■ High endurance, flexible and
secure Flash
■ Advanced security features
■ Program and data storage
■ Self-program features
Integrated DSP
■ Look and feel of MCU
■ Single cycle 16 × 16 MAC
■ 40-bit accumulators
■ Dual operand fetches
■ Saturation and rounding modes
■ Free libraries and low cost
filter design tools
Innovative Peripherals
■ Motor control peripherals
■ SMPS peripherals
■ Graphics controller
■ CTMU for mTouch technology
■ USB Device/Embedded Host/OTG
■ Peripheral trigger generator
■ Intelligent analog
Power Saving Options
■ eXtreme Low Power technology
■ Deep sleep current as low
as 10 nA
■ Options to reduce speed or
disable CPU
■ Application software can alter
clock speeds
■ Vbat battery backup
Small Packages
■ Packages as small as
5 × 5 mm
■ 16-bit MCU with 128 KB Flash
in a 6 × 6 mm package
■ Peripheral Pin Select allows
access to the peripherals
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