Package Dimensions
Figure 7: 54-Pin Plastic TSOP (400 mil)
Pin #1 ID
128Mb: x4, x8, x16 Automotive SDRAM
Package Dimensions
1.2 MAX
0.375 ±0.075 TYP
2X R 0.75
2X R 1.00
22.22 ±0.08
0.80 TYP
(for reference only)
2X 0.71
2X 0.10
Plated lead finish: 90% Sn, 10% Pb or 100% Sn
Plastic package material: Epoxy novolac
Package width and length do not include
mold protrusion. Allowable protrusion is
0.25 per side.
10.16 ±0.08
11.76 ±0.20
See Detail A
Gage plane
0.50 ±0.10
Detail A
1. All dimensions are in millimeters.
2. Package width and length do not include mold protrusion; allowable mold protrusion is
0.25mm per side.
3. 2X means the notch is present in two locations (both ends of the device).
4. Package may or may not be assembled with a location notch.
PDF: 09005aef84baf515
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