The FPGA core consists of a sea of VersaTiles. Each VersaTile can be configured as a three-input logic function, a
D-flip-flop (with or without enable), or a latch by programming the appropriate flash switch interconnections.
The versatility of the ProASIC3 core tile as either a three-input lookup table (LUT) equivalent or as a D-flip-
flop/latch with enable allows for efficient use of the FPGA fabric. The VersaTile capability is unique to the Actel
ProASIC family of third-generation architecture flash FPGAs. VersaTiles are connected with any of the four levels
of routing hierarchy. Flash switches are distributed throughout the device to provide nonvolatile,
reconfigurable interconnect programming. Maximum core utilization is possible for virtually any design.
In addition, extensive on-chip programming circuitry allows for rapid, single-voltage (3.3 V) programming of
ProASIC3 devices via an IEEE 1532 JTAG interface.
The ProASIC3 core consists of VersaTiles, which have been enhanced beyond the ProASICPLUS® core tiles. The
ProASIC3 VersaTile supports the following:
• All 3-input logic functions—LUT-3 equivalent
• Latch with clear or set
• D-flip-flop with clear or set
• Enable D-flip-flop with clear or set
Refer to Figure 1-3 for VersaTile configurations.
LUT-3 Equivalent
X2 LUT-3 Y
D-Flip-Flop with Clear or Set
Enable D-Flip-Flop with Clear or Set
Figure 1-3 • VersaTile Configurations
User Nonvolatile FlashROM
Actel ProASIC3 devices have 1 kbit of on-chip, user-accessible, nonvolatile FlashROM. The FlashROM can be used
in diverse system applications:
• Internet protocol addressing (wireless or fixed)
• System calibration settings
• Device serialization and/or inventory control
• Subscription-based business models (for example, set-top boxes)
• Secure key storage for secure communications algorithms
• Asset management/tracking
• Date stamping
• Version management
The FlashROM is written using the standard ProASIC3 IEEE 1532 JTAG programming interface. The core can be
individually programmed (erased and written), and on-chip AES decryption can be used selectively to securely
load data over public networks (except in the A3P015 and A3P030 devices), as in security keys stored in the
FlashROM for a user design.
The FlashROM can be programmed via the JTAG programming interface, and its contents can be read back
either through the JTAG programming interface or via direct FPGA core addressing. Note that the FlashROM can
only be programmed from the JTAG interface and cannot be programmed from the internal logic array.
The FlashROM is programmed as 8 banks of 128 bits; however, reading is performed on a byte-by-byte basis
using a synchronous interface. A 7-bit address from the FPGA core defines which of the 8 banks and which of
the 16 bytes within that bank are being read. The three most significant bits (MSBs) of the FlashROM address
determine the bank, and the four least significant bits (LSBs) of the FlashROM address define the byte.
Product Brief