
LA1193V データシートの表示(PDF) - SANYO -> Panasonic

LA1193V Datasheet PDF : 22 Pages
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LA1193M, 1193V
3D-AGC Sensitivity, f and V20 Characteristics
AGC sensitivity
W-AGC sensitivity
Two signal sensitivity
suppression improvement
Desired station
AGC sensitivity
N-AGC sensitivity
V20 (desired station
field strength)
Figure 3 3D-AGC Sensitivity, f and V20 Characteristics
— The W-AGC sensitivity is determined by the antenna RF circuit selectivity independently of V20.
— The N-AGC sensitivity is determined by the antenna, RF and mixer circuit total selectivity when V20 is 0.6V or
greater. It is determined by that selectivity and V20 when V20 is over 0.6V.
— The improvement in two-signal sensitivity suppression is the shaded area in the total AGC sensitivity and
corresponds to the section occupied by the N-AGC.
4. Mixer
The mixer circuit used in this IC is a balanced input/balanced output double balance mixer circuit.
Input Format
Emitter input
Input impedance : 25
Optimization of the component geometry, emitter
current and bias allow this circuit to achieve the
following performance.
Mixer input usable sensitivity : 15dBµ
Mixer input IMQS* : 90.5dBµ
Note : *Mixer input IMQS is defined as follows :
Figure 4 Mixer Circuit
(Improved by 6.0dBµ over previous products.)
fr = 98.8MHz, no input
fu1 = 98.8MHz, 1kHz, 30% modulation
fu2 = 99.6MHz, no modulation
IMQS is the interference 1 and 2 input levels such that when an
interference signal with the same level is input to the mixer and
distortion occurs at the mixer, the generated IM output has a S/N
ratio of 30dB.

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