32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter
tially the LSH32s are arranged in
multiple rows or banks such that the
inputs to successive rows are left-
shifted by 16 positions. The outputs
of each row are multiplexed onto a
three-state bus. The normalization
problem then reduces to selecting
from among the several banks that
one which has the first non-zero bit
of the input value among its 16 most
significant positions. If the most
significant one in the input file was
within the upper 16 locations of a
given bank, the SO4 output of the
most significant slice in that bank will
be low. Single clock normalization
can thus be accomplished simply by
enabling onto the three-state output
bus the highest priority bank in which
this condition is met. In this way the
input word will be normalized
regardless of the number of shift
positions required to accomplish this.
The number of shift positions can be
determined simply by concatenation
of the SO3–SO0 outputs of the most
significant slice in the selected row
with the encoded Output Enable-bits
determining the row number. Note
that lower rows need not be fully
populated. This is because they
represent left shifts in multiples of 16
positions, and the lower bits of the
output word will be zero filled. In
order to accomplish this zero fill, the
least significant device in each row is
always enabled, and the row select is
instead connected to the SI4 input.
This will force the shift length of the
least significant device to a value
greater than 15 whenever the row
containing that device is not selected.
This results in zero fill being accom-
plished by the equivalently positioned
slice in a higher bank, as shown in the
With a small amount of external logic,
block floating point operations are
easily accomplished by the LSH32.
Data resulting from a vector operation
are applied to the LSH32 with the
NORM-input deasserted. The SO4–
SO0 outputs fill then represent the
normalization shift distance for each
vector element in turn. By use of an
external latch and comparator, the
maximum shift distance encountered
across all elements in the vector is
saved for use in the next block opera-
tion (or block normalization). During
this subsequent pass through the data,
the shift code saved from the previous
pass is applied uniformly across all
elements of the vector. Since the
LSH32 is not used in the internal
normalize mode, this operation can be
pipelined, thereby obtaining the
desired shift distance for the next pass
while simultaneously applying the
normalization required from the
previous pass.
Special Arithmetic Functions