
M82510 データシートの表示(PDF) - Intel

M82510 Datasheet PDF : 40 Pages
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Figure 4 Interrupt Structure
271072 – 4
There are two levels of interrupt status reporting
within the M82510 The first level is the block level
interrupts such as RX FIFO Tx FIFO Rx Machine
Tx Machine Timing unit and Modem Module The
status of these blocks is reported in the General
Status and General Interrupt Registers The second
level is the various sources within each block only
three of the blocks generate second level interrupts
(Rx Machine Timing Unit and Modem Module) In-
terrupt requests are maskable at both the block level
and at the individual source level within the module
If more than one unmasked block requests interrupt
service an on-chip interrupt controller will resolve
contention on a priority basis (each block has a fixed
priority) An interrupt request from a particular block
is activated if one of the unmasked status bits within
the status register for the block is set A CPU service
operation e g reading the appropriate status regis-
ter will reset the status bits
The interrupt logic will assert the INT pin when an
interrupt is coded into the General Interrupt register
The INT pin is forced low upon acknowledgment
The M82510 has two modes of interrupt acknowl-
1 Manual Acknowledge
The CPU must issue an explicit Interrupt Acknowl-
edge command via the Interrupt Acknowledge bit of
the Internal Command register As a result the INT
pin is forced low for two clocks and then updated
2 Automatic Acknowledge
As opposed to the Manual Acknowledge mode
when the CPU must issue an explicit interrupt ac-
knowledge command an interrupt service operation
is considered as an automatic acknowledgment
This forces the INT pin low for two clock cycles
After two cycles the INT pin is updated i e if there
is still an active non-masked interrupt request the
INT pin is set HIGH
A service operation is an operation performed by the
CPU which causes the source of the M82510 inter-
rupt to be reset (it will reset the particular status bit
causing the interrupt) An interrupt request within the
M82510 will not reset until the interrupt source has
been serviced Each source can be serviced in two
or three different ways one general way is to disable
the particular status bit causing the interrupt via the
corresponding block enable register Setting the ap-
propriate bit of the enable register to zero will mask
off the corresponding bit in the status register thus
causing an edge on the input line to the interrupt
logic The same effect can be achieved by masking

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