Catch Diode Selection
The catch diode carries load current during the off-time. The
average diode current is therefore dependent on the
P-channel switch duty cycle. At high input voltages the
diode conducts most of the time. As VIN approaches VOUT
the diode conducts only a small fraction of the time. The
most stressful condition for the diode is when the output is
short-circuited. Under this condition the diode must safely
handle IPEAK at close to 100% duty cycle. A fast switching diode
must also be used to optimize efficiency. Schottky diodes are
a good choice for low forward drop and fast switching times.
Most LTC1174 circuits will be well served by either a 1N5818,
a MBRS140T3 or a MBR0520L Schottky diode.
Short-Circuit Protection
The LTC1174 is protected from output short by its internal
current limit. Depending on the condition of IPGM pin, the
limit is either set to 340mA or 600mA. In addition, the off-
time of the switch is increased to allow the inductor’s
current to decay far enough to prevent any current build-up
(see Figure 2).
IPGM = 0
L = 100µH
VIN = 13.5V
1174 F02
Figure 2. Inductor's Current with Output Shorted
Low-Battery Detector
The low-battery indicator senses the input voltage through
an external resistive divider. This divided voltage connects
to the “–” input of a voltage comparator (Pin 3) which is
compared with a 1.25V reference voltage. With the current
going into Pin 3 being negligible, the following expression
is used for setting the trip limit:
VLBTRIP = 1.25⎛⎝⎜1+ RR34⎞⎠⎟
When the LTC1174 is shut down, the low-battery detector
is inactive.
1174 F03
Figure 3. Low-Battery Comparator
LTC1174 Adjustable/Low Noise Applications
The LTC1174 develops a 1.25V reference voltage between
the feedback (Pin 1) terminal and ground (see Figure 4). By
selecting resistor R1, a constant current is caused to flow
through R1 and R2 to set the overall output voltage. The
regulated output voltage is determined by:
VOUT = 1.25⎛⎝⎜1 + RR21⎞⎠⎟
For most applications, a 30k resistor is suggested for R1.
To prevent stray pickup, a 100pF capacitor is suggested
across R1 located close to the LTC1174. Alternatively, a
capacitor across R2 can be used to increase the switching
frequency for low noise operation.
Inverting Applications
The LTC1174 can easily be set up for a negative output
voltage. If – 5V is desired, the LTC1174-5 is ideal for this
application as it requires the least components. Figure 5
shows the schematic for this application. Note that the