TRU050, VCXO Based PLL
Loop Filter
A PLL is a feedback system which forces the output frequency to lock in both phase and frequency to the
input frequency. While there will be some phase error, theory states there is no frequency error. The loop
filter design will dictate many key parameters such as jitter reduction, stability, lock range and acquisition
time. Be advised that many textbook equations describing loop dynamics, such as capture range or lockin
time, are based on ideal systems. Such equations may not be accurate for real systems due to nonlinearities,
DC offsets, noise and don’t take into account the limited VCXO bandwidth. This section deals with some real
world design examples. Also, there is loop filter software on the Vectron web site, plus experienced
applications engineers are eager to assist in this process. Common TRU050 PLL applications are shown in
figures 7 and 8 (frequency translation), 9 (clock recovery) and 10 (clock smoothing).
Of primary concern to the designer is selecting a loop filter that insures lock-in, stability and provides
adequete filtering of the input signal. A good starting point for the the loop filter bandwidth is 100ppm times
the DATAIN frequency. An example would be translating an 8kHz signal to 44. 736MHz – DS3 – which is =
100 ppm x kHz = 8Hz . So for 8kHz inputs, ~ 8 Hz loop bandwidth may be reasonable and figures 7 and 8
show and 8kHz to DS3 and 8kHz to 19.440 MHz frequency translation designs.
It’s fairly easy to set a low loop bandwidth for large frequency translations such as 8kHz to 44.736MHz, but
becomes more difficult for clock smoothing applications such as 19.440MHz in and 19.440MHz output. In this
example, 100ppm x 19.440MHz is about 2kHz and may be too high to reject kow frequency jitter. A good way
to resolve this is to lower the input frequency such as dividing the input frequency down. The loop filter
bandwidth becomes lower since 100ppm * DATAIN is lowered. Figure 10 shows an example of how to design
a low loop bandwith on a relatively high input signal and still maintain a wide lock range. The “100ppm *
DATAIN frequency” loop filter bandwidth can then be tailored to the application, since lower bandwidthds are
desriable to clean up and or translate clock signals and higher bandwidths may be needed for clock recovery
of NRZ signals.
There is no known accurate formula for calculating acquisition time and so the best way to provide realisitc
figures is to measure the lock time for a TRU050. Aquistion time was measured to be 3 to 5 seconds by
measuring the control voltage in an 8kHz to 34.368 MHz frequency translation application - similar to the
application in figure 7 and 8, to sub 10 milliseconds for NRZ data patterns such as figure 9. It may be
tempting reduce the damping factor to 0.7 or 1.0 in order to increase aquisition time; but, it degrades stability
and will not signifigantly decrease lock time. This is due to the fact that most VCXO’s have a 10kHz
bandwidth so setting a 100kHz loop bandwidth is impossible. A damping factor of 4 is fairly conservative and
allows for excellent stability.
Some general quidelines for selecting loop filter include: Values should be less than 1Megohm and at least
10Kohm between the PHO and OPN, the capacitor should be low leakage and a polarized capacitor is
acceptable, the R/C’s should be located physically close to the TRU050 . Also, the loop filter software
available on the web site was written for 5 volt operation, a simple way to calculate values for 3.3 volt
operation is to times the data density by 0.66 (3.3V / 5V).
SPICE models are another design aid. In most cases a new PLL TRU050 design is calculated by using the
software and verified with SPICE models, and depending on the circumstances evaluated in the applications
lab. The simple active pi model is in figure 7. Loop filter values can be modified to suit the system
requirements and application. There are many excellent references on designing PLL’s, such as “Phase-
Locked Loops, Theory, Design and Applications”, by Roland E Best McGraw-Hill; however, there is loop filter
software on the Vectron web site, plus experienced applications engineers eager to assist in this process.
Vectron International, 267 Lowell Rd, Hudson NH 03051-4916
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Rev: 12Aug2009