
RF3320 データシートの表示(PDF) - RF Micro Devices

RF3320 Datasheet PDF : 18 Pages
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Set signal generator to:
• 45MHz,
• -13.0dBm output power,
• 0dB offset.
Connect 50MHz coaxial filter to output, then to output
Zero and calibrate the power meter. Connect signal
generator to power meter and set offset on signal gen-
erator until power meter reads -13.0dBm. Make sure
power meter reads the same (±0.2dBm) with modula-
tion enabled and disabled to verify power meter is
measuring average power rather than peak power.
Check positioning of the jumpers on the board. Refer
to the PCBA section of this application note to verify
proper positions. Connect the output of the signal gen-
erator to J6: RFIN of the PCB. Connect J7: RFOUT to
the power meter. Connect one end of the serial cable
to the computer and the other end into P1 of the PCB.
Connect +5.0VDC to VCC and ground to GND. Turn on
the DC power and turn on RF and modulation from the
signal generator. Set the GCW to 58 and make sure
TX Enable is checked. Measure and record channel
power at RFOUT using the power meter (accounting
for 75/50 conversion losses). Connect RFOUT to spec-
trum analyzer and adjust offset of the spectrum ana-
lyzer until the channel power displayed by the
spectrum analyzer is equal to the channel power
recorded in the previous step (channel
bandwidth=200kHz). Now use the spectrum analyzer
to measure relative ACP (this way the uncertainties in
the spectrum analyzer power measurement are imma-
terial). The ACP is measured in 200kHz channel band-
widths at a 220kHz offset (i.e., from 20kHz to 220kHz
outside the channel). As you increase the input power,
you will notice a degradation of the ACP upper and
lower bands. Datasheet performance is measured at
an input level of 34dBmV.
Transmit Turn-On and Turn-Off Transients
Use an Arbitrary Waveform Generator set to a 3V
square wave, 5% duty cycle, 120Hz as the input to the
transmit enable. Set a signal generator to 10MHz, -
13.0dbm output power, 0dB offset. Connect output of
the signal generator to J6, RFIN of the PCB. Remove
the TXEN jumper and connect the arbitrary wave gen-
erator square wave output to the center pin of the
TXEN 3-pin header. Connect the output of the evalua-
tion board to the oscilloscope (channel 1). Connect the
TXEN signal from the arbitrary wave generator to
channel 2 of the oscilloscope and trigger off of the ris-
ing edge. As the TXEN line is sent, the oscilloscope
will trigger and capture the pulsed RFOUT signal. This
Rev A10 010514
will be displayed on the oscilloscope. Measure the
amount of time between 90 percent of the TXEN turn-
on to where the output signal reaches 90 percent of full
turn-on. This is defined as the transmit turn-on time.
To measure the transient pulse, replace the signal gen-
erator input with a 50terminator and repeat the steps
above. Measure the size of the transient. This can be
affected by the CRAMP capacitor (C6), and the output
balun and capacitor values around the balun. Larger
values of CRAMP will decrease the transient voltage
and increase the TX enable time.
PCB Layout Considerations
The RF3320 Evaluation board can be used as a guide
for the layout in your application. Care should be taken
in laying out the RF3320 in other applications. The
RF3320 will have similar results if the following guide-
lines are taken into consideration:
• Make sure underside of package is soldered to a
good ground on the PCB.
• Move C2, C7, C8, and C9 as close to T1 as possi-
• Keep input and output traces as short as possible.
• Ensure a good ground plane by using multiple vias
to the ground plane.
• Use a low noise power supply along with decou-
pling capacitors.

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