4707 Dey Road Liverpool, N.Y. 13088
70% Typical Efficiency
All Ceramic Capacitors
Surface Mount Magnetics
Withstands 5000G
MIL STD 461C CE03 (With EFJ2803 Filter)
80 Volt Input Transient Tolerent
No Derating - -55°C to +125°C
Wide Supply Range - 10V to 50V
High Isolation - 500V
High Power Density - 17W/in³
Output Voltage Adjustment - Standard
Remote Shutdown
Operates to 11V Input at 5W
Available with 3.3V or 5V Outputs
See DAC2800s Series for 12V and 15V Versions
Available to DSCC SMD 5962-94629 and 5962-93092
(315) 701-6751
The DHC2800S series of DC-DC converters provides the ruggedness, reliability and features required to
meet the advanced design challenges of today's hi-rel market. The use of advanced substrate and reflow
soldering techniques during construction results in a rugged, cost-effective and completely solderable package.
DHC2800S hybrid converter series utilizes all ceramic capacitors and surface mount magnetics to
provide reliable operation at all operating temperatures while surviving very high G forces.
DHC2800S standard features include output fault monitoring and/or turn on voltage point programming
via the shutdown pin. All three functions may be implemented simultaneously with a minimum of external
components. An output voltage adjustment/load compensation pin is also standard.
Fault tolerant design protects these converters from most external circuit faults. The output and output
adjust pins will withstand +35V while the shutdown pin will withstand +50V protecting the converters
from a variety of system or board faults i.e. solder bridges, etc. Unique load fault protection circuitry
allows this converter to pull up loads having difficult static load line characteristics and allows short term
load excursions significantly beyond ratings in most applications.
A transformer isolated forward converter topology operating at a switching frequency of 400kHz allows
operation over a wide input voltage range. Internal filtering of both input and output eliminates the need for
external capacitors in many applications.
The 8-pin DIP package is hermetically sealed and isolated from the internal circuits. Heat sinking is
recommended for full power operation at elevated ambient temperatures.
Rev. G 8/06