Following the luma delay, the data is passed
through an interpolation filter that has a program-
mable bandwidth, followed by a variable gain am-
plifier in which the luma dc values are modifiable
via the Y_AMP Register.
The output of the luma amplifier connects to the
sync insertion block. Sync insertion is accom-
plished by multiplexing, into the luma data path,
the different sync dc values at the appropriate
times. The digital sync generator takes horizontal
sync and vertical sync timing signals and generates
the appropriate composite sync timing (including
vertical equalization and serration pulses), blank-
ing information, and burst flag. The sync edge rates
conform to RS-170A or ITU R.BT601 and ITU
R.BT470 specifications.
It is also possible to delay the luminance signal,
with respect to the chrominance signal, by up to
three pixel clocks. This variable delay is useful to
offset different propagation delays of the luma
baseband and modulated chroma signals. This ad-
justable luma delay is available only on the
COMP_VID output.
Digital to Analog Converters
The CS7654 provides three discrete 27 MHz DACs
for analog video. The default configuration is one
10-bit DAC for S-video chrominance, one 10-bit
DAC for S-Video luminance, one 10-bit DAC for
composite output. All three DACs are designed for
driving either low-impedance loads (double termi-
nated 75 Ω) or high-impedance loads (double ter-
minated 300 Ω).
The DACs can be put into tri-state mode via host-
addressable control register bits. Each of the six
DACs has its own associated DAC enable bit. In
the Disable Mode, the 10-bit DACs source (or sink)
zero current.
For lower power standby scenarios, the CS7654
also provides power shut-off control for the DACs.
Each DAC has an associated DAC shut-off bit.
Voltage Reference
The CS7654 is equipped with an on-board voltage
reference generator (1.232 V) that is used by the
DACs. The internal reference voltage is accurate
enough to guarantee a maximum of 3% overall gain
error on the analog outputs. However, it is possible
to override the internal reference voltage by apply-
ing an external voltage source to the VREF pin.
Current Reference
The DAC output current-per-bit is derived in the
current reference block. The current step is speci-
fied by the size of resistor placed between the
ISET_DAC current reference pin and electrical
A 4 kΩ resistor needs to be connected between
ISET_DAC pin and GND. The DAC output cur-
rents are optimized to either drive a doubly termi-
nated load of 75 Ω (low impedence mode) or a
double terminated load of 300 Ω (high impedence
mode). The 2 output current modes are software se-
lectable through a register bit. Note that there are
two ISET pins on the device, one for the DACS,
and one for the PLL.
Closed Caption Insertion
The CS7654 is capable of NTSC Closed Caption
insertion on lines 21 and 284 independently.
Closed captioning is enabled for either one or both
lines via the CC_EN [1:0] Register bits and the
data to be inserted is also written into the four
Closed Caption Data registers. The CS7654, when
enabled, automatically generates the seven cycles
of clock run-in (32 times the line rate), start bit in-
sertion (001), and finally insertion of the two data
bytes per line. Data low at the video outputs corre-
sponds to 0 IRE and data high corresponds to 50
There are two independent 8-bit registers per line
(CC_21_1 & CC_21_2 for line 21 and CC_284_1
& CC_284_2 for line 284). Interrupts are also pro-
vided to simplify the handshake between the driver