Innovative Technology
for a Connected World
Wireless Development Kits
Proprietary RF Modules
What’s Included:
Two (2) RF Modules
Choose from Laird Technologies’ 2.4GHz,
900MHz or 868MHz RF Modules
Two (2) Adapter Boards
RS232, RS485, 5V/3.3V serial TTL, and USB
interfaces are supported. Features include:
1) loop-back for distance-testing using
one computer
2) status/communications LED indicators
3) switches for easy configuration & reset
4) test points for troubleshooting
One (1) Utilities CD
Script-driven utilities include:
1) transmit/receive emulator
2) single-line command interface
3) EEPROM viewer/editor; configuration
information storage file
4) “What’s This?” Help File format provides
descriptions of each configuration option
5) Error checker prevents configuration errors
Two (2) AC Power Adapters Power for adapter board and radio module; USB
and battery power optional
Two (2) DB9 Serial Cables Connect the adapter boards to a PC via DB9
Two (2) USB Cables
Connect the adapter boards to a PC via USB
Two (2) Antennas
Convenient, small antennas plug directly into the
radio module’s connector. Longer range antennas
are also available for external antenna modules.
2.4 GHz Models
2.4GHz Systems:
PRM110 RF modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V, serial interface,
u.fl antenna connector, +4dBm to +21dBm power output
PRM111 RF module, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V, serial interface,
integral antenna, +4dBm to +21dBm power output
AC4424 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 5V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 200mW power output
AC4424 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 5V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 100mW power output
AC4424 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 5V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 10mW power output
AC4424 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 5V, TTL serial interface,
integral antenna, 10mW power output
900MHz Systems:
AC4790 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 5mW–1000mW variable power output
AC4790 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V-5.5V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 5mW–200mW variable power output
AC4790 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V-5.5V, TTL serial interface,
integral antenna, 5mW–200mW variable power output
AC4790-1x1 tiny RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V, TTL serial interface,
10mW variable power output
AC4490 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 5mW–1000mW variable power output
AC4490 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V-5.5V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 5mW–200mW variable power output
AC4490 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V-5.5V, TTL serial interface,
integral antenna, 5mW–200mW variable power output
AC4490-1x1 tiny RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V, TTL serial interface,
10mW variable power output
868MHz Systems:
AC4868 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna connector, 5–250mW power output
AC4486 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V-5.5V, TTL serial interface,
integral antenna, 5mW power output
AC4486 RF Modules, -40º to +80ºC, 3.3V-5.5V, TTL serial interface,
MMCX antenna, 5mW power output
The details contained within the document are subject to change. Download the product
specification from for the most current specification.
900/863 GHz Model
1X1-inch Model
LT2510 Model
Contact information:
USA: +1 800 492 2320 Any information furnished by Laird Technologies and its agents is believed to be accurate and reliable. Responsibility for the use and application of Laird Technologies
EUROPE: +44 1628 858 940 materials rests with the end user since Laird Technologies and its agents cannot be aware of all potential uses. Laird Technologies makes no warranties as to the fitness,
merchantability, or suitability of any Laird Technologies materials or products for any specific or general uses. Laird Technologies shall not be liable for incidental or
consequential damages of any kind. All Laird Technologies products are sold pursuant to the Laird Technologies terms and conditions of sale in effect from time to time, a copy
ASIA: +852 2268 6567 of which will be furnished upon request. For further information please visit our website at Alternatively contact: Bluetooth®
is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA and licensed to Laird Technologies.
© 2009 All Rights Reserved. Laird Technologies is a registered trademark of Laird Technologies, Inc. EMAIL: