µPD6133, 6134
2.9.2 Carry flag (CY)
The carry flag is set (to 1) in the following cases:
• If the ANL instruction or the XRL instruction is executed when bit 3 of the accumulator is “1” and bit 3 of the
operand is “1”.
• If the RL instruction or the RLZ instruction is executed when bit 3 of the accumulator is “1”.
• If the INC instruction or the SCAF instruction is executed when the value of the accumulator is 0FH.
The carry flag is cleared (to 0) in the following cases:
• If the ANL instruction or the XRL instruction is executed when at least either bit 3 of the accumulator or bit
3 of the operand is “0”.
• If the RL instruction or the RLZ instruction is executed when bit 3 of the accumulator is “0”.
• If the INC instruction or the SCAF instruction is executed when the value of the accumulator is other than 0FH.
• If the ORL instruction is executed.
• When Data is written to the accumulator by the MOV instruction or the IN instruction.
Data Sheet U10454EJ6V0DS00