Application Information
and the maximum value is obtained when:
-∂--∂-P--P--d--o-i-s-u--s-t-- = 0
and its value is:
This maximum value is only depending on power supply voltage and load values.
The efficiency, η, is the ratio between the output power and the power supply:
----P-----o---u---t---- = --π----V----P----E---A----K-
Psupply 4VCC
The maximum theoretical value is reached when VPEAK = VCC, so that:
π---- = 78.5%
The TS4984 has two independent power amplifiers, and each amplifier produces heat due to its
power dissipation. Therefore, the maximum die temperature is the sum of the each amplifier’s
maximum power dissipation. It is calculated as follows:
Pdiss1 = Power dissipation due to the 1st channel power amplifier.
Pdiss2 = Power dissipation due to the 2nd channel power amplifier.
Total Pdiss = Pdiss1 + Pdiss2 (W)
In most cases, Pdiss1 = Pdiss2, giving:
Total Pdiss= Pdiss1= Pdiss2
or, stated differently:
Total Pdiss
π RL
Pout – 2Pout
Decoupling the circuit
Two capacitors are needed to correctly bypass the TS4984. A power supply bypass capacitor
CS and a bias voltage bypass capacitor Cb.
CS has particular influence on the THD+N in the high frequency region (above 7kHz) and an
indirect influence on power supply disturbances. With a value for CS of 1µF, you can expect
similar THD+N performances to those shown in the datasheet. For example:
● In the high frequency region, if CS is lower than 1µF, it increases THD+N and disturbances
on the power supply rail are less filtered.
● On the other hand, if CS is higher than 1µF, those disturbances on the power supply rail
are more filtered.
Cb has an influence on THD+N at lower frequencies, but its function is critical to the final result
of PSRR (with input grounded and in the lower frequency region), in the following manner:
● If Cb is lower than 1µF, THD+N increases at lower frequencies and PSRR worsens.