
UT0.25UCRH データシートの表示(PDF) - Aeroflex UTMC

UT0.25UCRH Datasheet PDF : 12 Pages
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Semicustom Products
UT0.25µCRH Commercial RadHardTM Structured Array
Preliminary Data Sheet
April 2003
q Up to 3,000,000 usable equivalent gates using structured
array architecture
q Toggle rates up to 1.6 GHz
q Advanced 0.25µ silicon gate CMOS processed in a com-
mercial fab
q Operating voltage of 3.3V and 2.5V
q I/O buffers are 5-volt compliant
q Multiple product assurance levels available, QML Q
and V, military, industrial
q Radiation hardened from 100Krads(Si) to 1 Megarad
total dose available using Aeroflex UTMC’s RadHard
q SEU-immune to less than 1.0E-10 errors/bits-day avail-
able using special library cells
q Robust Aeroflex UTMC Design Library of cells and
q Design support for Mentor Graphics®, SynopsysTM, in
Verilog and VHDL design languages on Sun and Linux
q Full complement of industry standard IP cores
q Configurable RAM compilers
q Supports cold sparing for power down applications
q Power dissipation of 0.04µW/MHz/gate at VDDCORE
2.5V and 20% duty cycle
The high-performance UT0.25µ Commercial RadHardTM
ASIC structured array family features densities up to
3,000,000 equivalent gates and is available in multiple qual-
ity assurance levels such as MIL-PRF-38535, QML Q and
V, military and industrial grades and non-RadHard
For those designs requiring stringent radiation hardness,
Aeroflex UTMC’s 0.25µ deep sub-micron process employs
a special technique that enhances the total dose radiation
hardness from 100Krads(Si) to 1 Megarad while maintain-
ing circuit density and reliability. In addition, for both
greater transient radiation hardness and latch-up immunity,
the deep submicron process is built on epitaxial wafers.
Developed from Aeroflex UTMC’s patented architectures,
the deep submicron ASIC family uses a highly efficient
structured array architecture for the internal cell instantia-
tion. Combined with state-of-the-art placement and routing
tools, the area utilization and signal interconnect of transis-
tors is maximized using five levels of metal interconnect.
The UT0.25µCRH ASIC family is supported by an exten-
sive cell library that includes SSI, MSI, and 54XX
equivalent functions, as well as configurable RAM and
cores. Aeroflex UTMC’s core library includes the following
Intel 80C31® equivalent
Intel 80C196® equivalent
MIL-STD-1553 functions (BRCTM, RTI, RTMP)
MIL-STD-1750 microprocessor
RISC microcontroller
Configurable RAM

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