This value is not S/N ratio. This is a noise which occurs from
the device itself.
1) Connect VCC to Pin 5, Pin 8 is the open condition or low
2) Connect an AC volt meter to Pin 3.
3) Connect a capacitor from Pin 4 to GND.
4) Measure AC voltage of Pin 3. This value is the noise of
1-Ach. If the influence of noise from outside exists, use
optional filters.
5) Next, reverse conditions at Pin 5 and Pin 8.
6) Connect to GND through a capacitor from Pin 2.
7) Measure in the same way.
This value is the noise level of 1-Bch.
This is the cross talk between Ach and Bch.
1) Connect VCC to Pin 8, Pin 5 is in the open condition or
low level.
2) Connect AC volt meters to Pin 4 and Pin 3.
3) Connect a capacitor and a resistance in series to GND
from Pin 2.
4) Input a sine wave (10 kHz, 1 Vrms) to Pin 4.
5) Measure the level of Pin 4 and name this V4.
6) Measure the level of Pin 3 and name this V3.
7) Calculate:
ISO = 20 Log (V3 / V4)
This value is the isolation to Bch from Ach.
8) Next, reverse conditions at Pin 5 and Pin 8.
9) Change line of Pin 2 and Pin 4.
10) Input the same sine wave to Pin 2.
11) Measure and calculate in the same way.
This value is the isolation to Ach from Bch.
10 K
Figure 7
Figure 8
Page 6
June 1999 TOKO, Inc.