Functional Description
The input selector is able to select 2 stereo inputs
and 1 mono input (AM). The inputs are DC biased
with 100kΩ resistors to the internal reference volt-
age of 3V. The mono input can be used addition-
ally as hardware mute pin. If this pin is pulled to
ground by an external transistor and AM is not se-
lected, the input selector mutes the input (refer-
ence voltage selected). The AM part is consid-
ered to be switched OFF. If the output of the AM
part is not high ohmic in this condition, a series
resistor of about 20kΩ has to be foreseen.
The volume control can be programmed from a
gain of +32dB to an attenuation of -79dB in 1dB
steps. The maximum gain should be kept as low
as possible for system performance reason. It has
to be limited by software to the absolute neces-
sary system gain, depending on the signal source
level and the power amplifier gain.
The bass control acts in a range from +18dB to -
18dB in 2dB steps. The filter response is deter-
mined by the external filter components. An ex-
tensive simulation software is available in order to
support the design of the bass filter response with
different filter configurations.
The extended bass boost range of +18dB allows
the implementation of the software loudness func-
tion by additional bass and treble boost.
The treble control acts in a range of ±14dB in 2dB
steps. The external capacitor determines with the
internal resistor of 50KΩ the corner frequency of
the treble response.
The four speaker attenuators can be controlled in-
dependently from 0 to -37.5dB, which allows the
implementation of balance and fader a the four
speaker system. The attenuation steps size is 1
db from 0 to -24dB and increases non linearly up
to the maximum attenuation of 37.5dB. A special
mute bit forces the speaker attenuator into the
mute position.
All 4 outputs are low distortion push pull outputs,
able to drive a load of 3kΩ.