World Sales Headquarters
KEMET Electronics Corporation
P.O. Box 5928
Greenville, SC 29606
Phone: 864-963-6300
KEMET Electronics S.A.
1-3, Avenue de la Paix
P.O.B. 76
CH-1211 Geneva 20,
Phone: 41-22-715-0100
KEMET Electronics Marketing PTE Ltd.
101 Thomson road, #23-03
United Square
Singapore, 307591, Singapore
Phone: 65-6353-6636
KEMET Electronics Asia Ltd.
30 Canton Road, Room 1512
SilverCord Tower II
Tsimshatshui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Phone: 852-2305-1168
KEMET reserves the right to modify minor details of internal and external construction at any time in the interest of product improvement. KEMET does not
assume any responsibility for infringement that might result from the use of KEMET capacitors in potential circuit designs.
© KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 •