SHT1x / SHT7x Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor System
5.2 SHT7x (4-pin single-in-line)
Pin Name Comment
1 SCK Serial clock input
2 VDD Supply 2.4 - 5.5 V
3 GND Ground
4 DATA Serial data bidirectional
Table 11 SHT7x Pin Description
5.2.1 Package type1
The device is supplied in a single-in-line pin type package.
The sensor housing consists of a Liquid Crystal Polymer
(LCP) cap with epoxy glob top on a standard 0.6 mm FR4
substrate. The device is Cd and Hg free.
The sensor head is connected to the pins by a small bridge
to minimize heat conduction and response times. The gold
plated back side of the sensor head is connected to the GND
A 100nF capacitor is mounted on the back side between
VDD and GND.
All pins are gold plated to avoid corrosion. They can be
soldered or mate with most 1.27 mm (0.05’’) sockets
e.g.: Preci-dip / Mill-Max 851-93-004-20-001 or similar
Total weight: 168 mg, weight of sensor head: 73 mg
The production date is printed onto the cap in white numbers
in the form wwy. e.g. ”351” = week 35, 2001.
5.2.2 Delivery Conditions
The SHT7x are shipped in 32 mm tape. These reeled parts
in standard option are shipped with 500 units per 13 inch
diameter reel. Reels are individually labelled with barcode
and human readable labels.
(0.018) 5.08 (0.05)
Figure 17 SHT7x dimensions in mm (inch)
Carrier Tape
Cover Tape
Trailer Tape
300mm minimum
Leader Tape
500mm minimum
Figure 16 Tape configuration and unit orientation
5.2.3 Soldering Information2
Standard wave SHT7x soldering ovens may be used at
maximum 235 °C for 20 seconds.
For manual soldering contact time must be limited to 5
seconds at up to 350 °C.
After wave soldering the devices should be stored at
>74 %RH for at least 24 h to allow the polymer to rehydrate.
Please consult the application note “Soldering procedure” for
more information.
1 Other packaging options may be available on request.
2 For maximum accuracy do not solder SHT75!
v2.02 July 2004