1. Input / Output Pin Function
Pin name
A0 - A11
BA0, BA1
DQ0 - DQ15
Input / Output
CLK is the master clock input. Other inputs signals are referenced to the CLK rising
CKE determine validity of the next CLK (clock). If CKE is high, the next CLK rising edge
is valid; otherwise it is invalid. If the CLK rising edge is invalid, the internal clock is not
issued and the µPD45128163 suspends operation.
When the µPD45128163 is not in burst mode and CKE is negated, the device enters
power down mode. During power down mode, CKE must remain low.
/CS low starts the command input cycle. When /CS is high, commands are ignored but
operations continue.
/RAS, /CAS and /WE have the same symbols on conventional DRAM but different
functions. For details, refer to the command table.
Row Address is determined by A0 - A11 at the CLK (clock) rising edge in the active
command cycle.
Column Address is determined by A0 - A8 at the CLK rising edge in the read or write
command cycle.
A10 defines the precharge mode. When A10 is high in the precharge command cycle,
all banks are precharged; when A10 is low, only the bank selected by BA0(A13) and
BA1(A12) is precharged.
When A10 is high in read or write command cycle, the precharge starts automatically
after the burst access.
BA0(A13) and BA1(A12) are the bank select signal. In command cycle, BA0(A13) and
BA1(A12) low select bank A, BA0(A13) high and BA1(A12) low select bank B, BA0(A13)
low and BA1(A12) high select bank C and then BA0(A13) and BA1(A12) high select
bank D.
UDQM and LDQM control upper byte and lower byte I/O buffers, respectively.
In read mode, UDQM and LDQM controls the output buffers like a conventional /OE pin.
UDQM and LDQM high and UDQM and LDQM low turn the output buffers off and on,
The UDQM and LDQM latency for the read is two clocks.
In write mode, UDQM and LDQM controls the word mask. Input data is written to the
memory cell if UDQM and LDQM is low but not if UDQM and LDQM is high.
The UDQM and LDQM latency for the write is zero.
Input / Output DQ pins have the same function as I/O pins on a conventional DRAM.
(Power supply) VCC and VSS are power supply pins for internal circuits. VCCQ and VSSQ are power
supply pins for the output buffers.
Preliminary Data Sheet E0242N10