PEEL™ Array Development Support
Development support for PEEL™ Arrays is provided by
Anachip and manufacturers of popular development tools.
Anachip offers the powerful PLACE Development Software
(free to qualified PLD designers). The PLACE software
includes an architectural editor, logic compiler, waveform
simulator, documentation utility and a programmer
interface. The PLACE editor graphically illustrates and
controls the PEEL™ Array’s architecture, making the
overall design easy to understand, while allowing the
effectiveness of boolean logic equations, state machine
design and truth table entry. The PLACE compiler performs
logic transformation and reduction, making it possible to
specify equations in almost any fashion and fit the most
logic possible in every design. PLACE also provides a
multi-level logic simulator allowing external and internal
signals to be simulated and analyzed via a waveform
display.(See Figure 12, Figure 13 and Figure 14)
waste. Programming of PEEL™ Arrays is supported by
popular third party programmers.
Design Security and Signature Word
The PEEL™ Arrays provide a special EEPROM security bit
that prevents unauthorized reading or copying of designs.
Once set, the programmed bits of the PEEL™ Arrays
cannot be accessed until the entire chip has been
electrically erased. Another programming feature,
signature word, allows a user-definable code to be
programmed into the PEEL™ Array. The code can be read
back even after the security bit has been set. The signature
word can be used to identify the pattern programmed in the
device or to record the design revision.
Figure 13 - PLACE LCC and IOC screen
Figure 12 - PLACE Architectural Editor for
PEEL™ Array development is also supported by popular
development tools, such as ABEL and CUPL, via ICT’s
PEEL™ Array fitters. A special smart translator utility adds
the capability to directly convert JEDEC files for other
devices into equivalent JEDEC files for pin-compatible
PEEL™ Arrays.
PEEL™ Arrays are EE-reprogrammable in all package
types, plastic-DIP, PLCC and SOIC. This makes them an
ideal development vehicle for the lab. EE-
reprogrammability is also useful for production, allowing
unexpected changes to be made quickly and without
Figure 14 - PLACE simulator screen