Note: Unless otherwise indicated, MCP1603/L, VIN = SHDN = 3.6V, COUT = CIN = 4.7 µF, L = 4.7 µH,
VOUT(ADJ) = 1.8V, ILOAD = 100 mA, TA = +25°C. Adjustable or fixed output voltage options can be used to generate the
Typical Performance Characteristics.
VLx = 2 V/div
VOUT = 50 mV/div, AC
IL = 20 mA/div
0.4 µs/div
IOUT = 5 mA
FIGURE 2-25:
PWM Light Load Switching
Waveforms (MCP1603B).
2007-2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS22042B-page 11