Recommended Reading
Technical Note TN–24, Statek Corp.
Technical Note TN–7, Statek Corp.
E. Hafner, “The Piezoelectric Crystal Unit–Definitions and
Method of Measurement”, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 57, No. 2, Feb.
D. Kemper, L. Rosine, “Quartz Crystals for Frequency
Control”, Electro–Technology, June 1969.
P. J. Ottowitz, “A Guide to Crystal Selection”, Electronic
Design, May 1966.
D. Babin, “Designing Crystal Oscillators”, Machine Design,
March 7, 1985.
D. Babin, “Guidelines for Crystal Oscillator Design”,
Machine Design, April 25, 1985.
Table 6. Partial List of Crystal Manufacturers
United States Crystal Corp.
Crystek Crystal
Statek Corp.
Fox Electronics
3605 McCart Ave., Ft. Worth, TX 76110
2351 Crystal Dr., Ft. Myers, FL 33907
512 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92668
5570 Enterprise Parkway, Ft. Myers, FL 33905
(817) 921–3013
(813) 936–2109
(714) 639–7810
(813) 693–0099
Note: Motorola cannot recommend one supplier over another and in no way suggests that this is a
complete listing of crystal manufacturers.