A series LC network to ground (which is VCC) is comprised
of the inductance of the base lead of the on–chip transistor
and PC board traces and tap capacitors. Parasitic
oscillations often occur in the 200 to 800 MHz range. A small
resistor is placed in series with the base (Pin 24) to cancel the
negative resistance associated with this undesired mode of
oscillation. Since the base input impedance is so large a
small resistor in the range of 27 to 68 Ω has very little effect
on the desired Butler mode of oscillation.
The crystal parallel capacitance, Co, provides a feedback
path that is low enough in reactance at frequencies of 5th
overtone or higher to cause trouble. Co has little effect near
resonance because of the low impedance of the crystal
motional arm (Rm–Lm–Cm). As the tunable inductor which
forms the resonant tank with the tap capacitors is tuned off
the crystal resonant frequency, it may be difficult to tell if the
oscillation is under crystal control. Frequency jumps may
occur as the inductor is tuned. In order to eliminate this
behavior an inductor (Lo) is placed in parallel with the crystal.
Lo is chosen to resonant with the crystal parallel capacitance
(Co) at the desired operation frequency. The inductor
provides a feedback path at frequencies well below
resonance; however, the parallel tank network of the tap
capacitors and tunable inductor prevent oscillation at these
UHF Application
Figure 22 shows a 318.5 to 320 MHz receiver which drives
the mixer with an external varactor controlled (307.8 to
309.3 MHz) LC oscillator using an MPS901 (RF low power
transistor in a TO–92 plastic package; also MMBR901 is
available in a SOT–23 surface mount package). With the
50 kΩ 10 turn potentiometer this oscillator is tunable over a
range of approximately 1.5 MHz. The MMBV909L is a low
voltage varactor suitable for UHF applications; it is a dual
back–to–back varactor in a SOT–23 package. The input
matching network uses a 1:4 impedance matching
transformer (Recommended sources are Mini–Circuits and
Using the same IF ceramic filters and quadrature detector
circuit as specified in the applications circuit in Figure 17, the
12 dB SINAD performance is –95 dBm for a fmod = 1.0 kHz
sinusoidal waveform and fdev ±40 kHz.
This circuit is breadboarded using the evaluation PC board
shown in Figures 32 and 33. The RF ground is VCC and path
lengths are minimized. High quality surface mount
components were used except where specified. The
absolute values of the components used will vary with layout
placement and component parasitics.
RSSI Response
Figure 26 shows the full RSSI response in the application
circuit. The 10.7 MHz, 110 kHz wide bandpass ceramic filters
(recommended sources are TOKO part # SK107M5–AO–10X
or Murata Erie SFE10.7MHY–A) provide the correct
bandpass insertion loss to linearize the curve between the
limiter and IF portions of RSSI. Figure 25 shows that limiting
occurs at an input of –100 dBm. As shown in Figure 26, the
RSSI output linear from –100 dBm to –30 dBm.
The RSSI rise and fall times for various RF input signal
levels and R20 values are measured at Pin 20 without 10 nF
filter capacitor. A 10 kHz square wave pulses the RF input
signal on and off. Figure 27 shows that the rise and fall times
are short enough to recover greater than 10 kHz ASK data;
with a wider IF bandpass filters data rates up to 50 kHz may
be achieved. The circuit used is the application circuit in
Figure 17 with no RSSI output filter capacitor.
104 MHz
10 p
RF Input
SMA 3.0 p
Figure 20. MC13156DW Application Circuit
fRF = 104 MHz; fLO = 93.30 MHz
5th Overtone Crystal Oscillator
0.135 µH
+1.0 µ
120 p
0.1 µ
10 n
To Filter
27 p
1.0 µH
30 p
4.7 k 5th OT
VEE 22
10 n
NOTES: 1. 0.1 µH Variable Shielded Inductor: Coilcraft part # M1283–A or equivalent.
2. Capacitors are Silver Mica.
3. 5th Overtone, Series Resonant, 25 PPM Crystal at 93.300 MHz.
4. 0.135 µH Variable Shielded Inductor: Coilcraft part # 146–05J08S or equivalent.