Applications Information
The LT3496 uses a fixed frequency, current mode control
scheme to provide excellent line and load regulation. Op-
eration can be best understood by referring to the Block
Diagram in Figure 1. The oscillator, ramp generator, refer-
ence, internal regulator and UVLO are shared among the
three converters. The control circuitry, power switch etc.,
are replicated for each of the three converters. Figure 1
shows the shared circuits and only converter 1 circuits.
If the SHDN pin is tied to ground, the LT3496 is shut
down and draws minimal current from VIN. If the SHDN
pin exceeds 1.5V, the internal bias circuits turn on. The
switching regulators start to operate when their respective
PWM signal goes high.
The main control loop can be understood by following the
operation of converter 1. The start of each oscillator cycle
sets the SR latch, A3, and turns on power switch Q1. The
signal at the noninverting input (SLOPE node) of the PWM
comparator A2 is proportional to the sum of the switch
current and oscillator ramp. When SLOPE exceeds VC1
(the output of the error amplifier A1), A2 resets the latch
and turns off the power switch Q1 through A4 and A5.
In this manner, A10 and A2 set the correct peak current
level to keep the output in regulation. Amplifier A8 has
two noninverting inputs, one from the 1V internal voltage
reference and the other one from the CTRL1 pin. Whichever
input is lower takes precedence. A8, Q3 and R1 force V1,
the voltage across R1, to be one tenth of either 1V or the
voltage of CTRL1 pin, whichever is lower. VSENSE is the
voltage across the sensing resistor, RSENSE, which is con-
nected in series with the LEDs. VSENSE is compared to V1
by A1. If VSENSE is higher than V1, the output of A1 will
decrease, thus reducing the amount of current delivered to
LEDs. In this manner the current sensing voltage VSENSE
is regulated to V1.
Converters 2 and 3 are identical to converter 1.
PWM Dimming Control
LED1 can be dimmed with pulse width modulation us-
ing the PWM1 pin and an external P-channel MOSFET,
M1. If the PWM1 pin is pulled high, M1 is turned on by
internal driver A7 and converter 1 operates nominally.
A7 limits CAP1-TG1 to 6.5V to protect the gate of M1. If
the PWM1 pin is pulled low, Q1 is turned off. Converter 1
stops operating, M1 is turned off, disconnects LED1 and
stops current draw from output capacitor C2. The VC1
pin is also disconnected from the internal circuitry and
draws minimal current from the compensation capacitor
CC. The VC1 pin and the output capacitor store the state
of the LED1 current until PWM1 is pulled up again. This
leads to a highly linear relationship between pulse width
and output light, and allows for a large and accurate dim-
ming range. A P-channel MOSFET with smaller total gate
charge (QG) improves the dimming performance, since
it can be turned on and off faster. Use a MOSFET with a
QG lower than 10nC, and a minimum VTH of –1V to –2V.
Don’t use a Low VTH PMOS. To optimize the PWM control
of all the three channels, the rising edge of all the three
PWM signals should be synchronized.
In the applications where high dimming ratio is not required,
M1 can be omitted to reduce cost. In these conditions,
TG1 should be left open. The PWM dimming range can be
further increased by using CTRL1 pin to linearly adjust the
current sense threshold during the PWM1 high state.
Loop Compensation
Loop compensation determines the stability and transient
performance. The LT3496 uses current mode control to
regulate the output, which simplifies loop compensation.
To compensate the feedback loop of the LT3496, a series
resistor-capacitor network should be connected from the
VC pin to GND. For most applications, the compensation
capacitor should be in the range of 100pF to 1nF. The com-
pensation resistor is usually in the range of 5k to 50k.
To obtain the best performance, tradeoffs should be made
in the compensation network design. A higher value of
compensation capacitor improves the stability and dim-
ming range (a larger capacitance helps hold the VC voltage
when the PWM signal is low). However, a large compen-
sation capacitor also increases the start-up time and the
time to recover from a fault condition. Similarly, a larger
compensation resistor improves the transient response
but may reduce the phase margin. A practical approach
is to start with one of the circuits in this data sheet that
is similar to your application and tune the compensation
network to optimize the performance. The stability, PWM