
WP06R48D12P データシートの表示(PDF) - C and D TECHNOLOGIES

WP06R48D12P Datasheet PDF : 4 Pages
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Power Electronics Division, United States
3400 E Britannia Drive, Tucson, Arizona 85706
Tel: 800.547.2537 Fax: 520.770.9369
C&D Technologies, (NCL)
Milton Keynes MK14 5BU UK
Tel: +44 (0)1908 615232 Fax: +44 (0)1908 617545
Any data, prices, descriptions or specifications presented herein are subject to revision by C&D Technologies, Inc. without notice. While such information is believed to
be accurate as indicated herein, C&D Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty and hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy or
completeness of such information. Further, because the product(s) featured herein may be used under conditions beyond its control, C&D Technologies, Inc. hereby
disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, concerning the fitness or suitability of such product(s) for any particular use or in any specific application or arising from
any course of dealing or usage of trade. The user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the product(s) featured herein for user’s intended purpose and
in user’s specific application. C&D Technologies, Inc. does not warrant or recommend that any of its products be used in any life support or aviation or aerospace
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