1.3 µm D2300-Type Digital
Isolated DFB Laser Module
Data Sheet
February 2000
Class IIIb Laser Product
FDA/CDRH Class IIIb laser product. All versions are Class IIIb laser products per CDRH, 21 CFR 1040 Laser
Safety requirements. All versions are Class IIIb laser products per IEC * 60825-1:1993. The device has been certi-
fied with the FDA under accession number 8720010.
This product complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11.
8 µm/125 µm single-mode fiber pigtail with 900 µm tight buffer jacket and connector
Wavelength = 1.3 µm
Maximum power = 10 mW
Because of size constraints, labeling is not affixed to the module but is contained in the shipping carton.
Product is not shipped with power supply.
Caution: Use of controls, adjustments, and procedures other than those specified herein may result in
hazardous laser radiation exposure.
* IEC is a registered trademark of The International Electrotechnical Commission.
10 mW
1.3 µm
Lucent Technologies Inc.