
CDP68HC68A2E データシートの表示(PDF) - Intersil

CDP68HC68A2E Datasheet PDF : 14 Pages
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second a conversion is automatically started on the next
channel selected in the CSR. This read-convert pattern can
be continued indefinitely.
When reading Data Registers in Mode 1, the user can be
certain that the contents of the CAR equal the channel
number which was just converted. Thus the Address/Control
Byte sent prior to the read will automatically match the CAR.
If a read from a Data Register, other than the one just
converted, is performed, the CAR must be set to the desired
register prior to sending the Address/Control Byte. Setting
CAR is done by writing the SAR with ENC = 0, SAE = 1, and
the CA2 - CA0 bits equal to the desired channel.
Mode 2 - Single Scan
In mode 2, when ENC is set in the SAR, conversions are
performed on all channels selected in the CSR. Conversions
begin on the channel specified by the CAR (this channel does
not have to be active in the CSR) and proceed in ascending
order until all channels selected in the CSR have been
converted. If the starting channel is not the lowest active
channel, when the highest active channel is done converting,
the CAR advances to the lowest active channel and continues
from that point until all channels have been converted once.
When ENC is set i n the SAR, the internal clock is activated
(if selected), the CIP flag is set in the SR, and conversions
begin. The CIP flag doesn’t remain high, as it momentarily
goes low between each channel conversion.
When all channels have been converted the INT and ACC
flags in the SR are set, the INT pin is driven low (if IE is true
in the MSR), the CIP flag is cleared, and, if active, the
internal oscillator is disabled.
Data Registers can safely be read after all channels have
been converted. If the starting channel was a channel active
in the CSR then the CAR will one again be pointing to that
channel (providing all channels had been read or CSR or
MSR written since the last set of conversions - see Note
below). IF a read from a Data Register, other than the one
first converted, is performed, the CAR must be set to the
desired register prior to sending the Address/Control Byte.
Setting CAR is done by writing the SAR with ENC = 0,
SAE = 1, and the CA2 - CA0 bits equal to the desired
NOTE: A write to the SAR does not clear the DV flag for each
channel. This implies that if: conversions are completed on all
registers selected in CSR; conversions stopped; an incomplete read
of the Data Registers is performed; and conversions reinitiated with
a write to the SAR - some DVs will still be set. In Mode 2, which
terminates when all DVs are true (ACC goes true), unread channels
may not be converted unless CSR is written to before setting ENC.
There are two ways to prematurely stop conversions in Mode
2. The first is to perform any “abort” action (see Abort Modes).
Performing an abort, may produce spurious conversion
values. The second, and preferred means to stop a Mode 2
conversion, is to clear the ENC bit by writing a $00 to the
SAR. Clearing ENC will synchronously stop conversions at
the end of the current conversion. When prematurely stopping
conversions, CIP is not valid. The CIP flag cannot be used to
determine when the current conversion is complete. Instead,
a time delay equal to one conversion time must be built into
the software. The appropriate delay will ensure the last
conversion is complete before Data Register reads begin.
Prematurely stopping the conversions leaves the CAR in an
unknown state. One remaining task, before Data Registers
are read, is to be certain the contents of the CAR match the
address sent in the Address/Control Byte. This is done by
jamming the CAR with a write to the SAR with ENC = 0,
SAE = 1, CA3 - C A2 - CA0 equal to the desired channel
Mode 3 - Continuous Scan
In Mode 3, when ENC is set in the SAR, conversions are
performed on all channels selected in the CSR. COnversion
begin on the channel specified by the CAR (this channel
does not have to be active in the CSR) and proceed in
ascending order for all channels selected in the CSR. Each
time the highest active channel is done converting, the CAR
advances to the lowest active channel and continues from
that point.
When ENC is set in the SAR, the internal clock is activated
(if selected) and conversions begin.
When all channels have been converted one time the ACC
flag in the SR is set. This is the only valid status flag in Mode
3. The CIP flag is not valid in Mode 3. The INT flag and the
INT pin are both held in a disabled state during Mode 3.
Data Registers cannot be read until Mode 3 conversions
have been terminated. There are two ways to stop
conversions in Mode 3. The first is to perform any “abort”
action (see Abort Modes). Performing an abort, may produce
spurious conversion values. The second, and preferred
means to stop a Mode 3 conversion, is to clear the ENC bit
by writing a $00 to the SAR. Clearing ENC will
synchronously stop conversions at the end of the current
conversion. CIP is not valid following the clearing of ENC.
The CIP flag cannot be used to determine when the current
conversion is complete. Instead, a time delay equal to one
conversion time must be built into the software. The
appropriate delay will ensure the last conversion is complete
before Data Register reads begin.
The Data Registers can safely be read after ENC is cleared
and one conversion time has elapsed. One remaining task is
to be certain the contents of the CAR match the address
sent in the Address/Control Byte. This is done by jamming
the CAR with a write to the SAR with ENC = 0, SAE = 1, and
CA2 - CA0 equal to the desired channel address.
Abort Modes
Any active mode can be aborted by any one of the following

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