The CALISTO SDK consists of an integrated development
environment (SpiceIDE) and an EVM (evaluation module) board.
Using Broadcom’s C compiler and SpiceIDE shortens the product
development cycle dramatically. You can directly compile these
applications from C code and rapidly achieve high performance
levels. HausWare Framework—CALISTO’s real-time operating
system (RTOS)—enables voice and data service providers to
dynamically provision CALISTO for Any Service Any Port
(ASAP) configurations ranging from 240 channels of carrier class
G.711 packet telephony to 60 channels of full Universal Port.
SpiceIDE comes complete with a debugger, a simulator, and a
profiler. It can be used alone or in conjunction with the EVM board
to develop and debug multichannel, multiservice (MCMS)
applications on the CALISTO platform.
The debugger takes full advantage of the unique MCMS features
of the architecture and of the HausWare Framework. It lets you
communicate with the operating system running on a chip and to
debug one or more services or sockets while the chip continues to
run. When debugging, there are a number of features available that
make the task easier than is typically found in IDEs.
The full-chip, cycle-accurate simulator lets you load and run an
application as if it were running on the chip. All of the features and
capabilities inherent in the chip are available through the
The profiler lets you collect statistics from a simulation. It can
return information about basic block hit counts, cache misses, idle
time, function call counts, and so on.
The compiler, assembler, and linker work together to produce an
efficient executable from ANSI C source code and from linked
object files and libraries.
The compiler is fully ANSI C compliant. It generates efficient
assembly from both scalar and vector (loop) source, thus
eliminating, in most cases, the need to write directly in assembly.
Furthermore, the compiler is designed to accept hints about
aliasing, variable value ranges, and vector file usage.
The link path can create individual service files, or it can create a
final image file that contains both the operating system and any
pre-loaded services.
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