Direct Drive Voice/Dual Tone Melody Controller
5.6. Dual-Tone Generator
A dual-tone melody generator is included to generate 2-channel music songs with a
pleasant square-wave-like timbre. The pitch range of each tone generator is as wide
as 4 octaves (48 different notes totally). The output of dual-tone generator can be
mixed with the output of voice synthesizer to achieve voice playing with BGM
(background music). Additionally, Sonix provides a numbered-musical-notation
representation to help users compose their songs. Further, a MIDI (1.0) file translator
can convert MIDI files into Sonix format.
5.7. I/O Ports
P1 is a 4-bit input port and P2/P3 are two 4-bit I/O ports. Any bit of P2 and P3 can be
programmed as either input or output port individually. Any valid data transition (H L
or L H) of P1, P2 and P3 can reactivate the chip when the chip is in power-down
To Internal Data Bus
Read Control
Input Port Configuration (P10~P13)
Port Data
Port Status
To Internal Data Bus
Read Control
I/O Port Configuration (P20~P23, P30~P33)
Note: weak N-MOS’s can serve as pull-low resistor.
Ver: 1.4
June 8, 2005